1 Read the Bible at least once every day.
2 Pray as you read it, and ask God to help you understand it,
and to personalise it for you.
3 Memorize parts of it that God draws your attention to.
4 Keep a daily diary of the Scriptures that God has given you.
5 Fellowship with others who also want to fellowship with God.
6 Action the things that God says to do.
7 Stay out of debt — Deuteronomy 15.6 “You will lend to many nations,
and borrow from none.”
8 Work with your hands — 2 Thessalonians 3.6-15 Be prepared to plant in the soil so that you are not dependent on the world system for your food. The One World Government planners will seek to control the population by controlling the finance and the food supply. If you haven’t got land, find another brother who has and work with him.
9 Co-operate with the fellowship the Lord gives you, taking Acts 2.42-47 as your guide. Share what you have.
10 Keep in touch with other fellowships.